The Via

The Via

The Via on Miami Beach

It was a beautiful place
A via led from the street to the water
The bay was aquamarine, full of green and blue and all a sparkle
The rays of the sun danced and skipped
Playing and frolicking over the ripples that lapped on the shore
The sky met the water forming a pure and perfect vista
Beckoning to all who stood there
To look and love the world
I was a day to be alive
A day to love and cherish
A day the gods above had made for us
To love
To be in love
To hold a woman
To feel her waist and her skin
To kiss her softly on her lips
To gaze into her eyes
To know that she was yours till the end of time
To be happy and filled with joy
Only because you were with her
As I approached she stopped and stood in front of the sea wall
Perfectly still it seemed
With the trace of a smile
Brown hair flowing down from her shoulders
Adorned in a white top and black shorts
Covering her breasts and her world below
But allowing for the imagination to run wild
Wild with thoughts of passion and desire
A desire to be with her now, right away
To touch her and worship her
She wore ballet slippers which bespoke a grace and everlasting beauty
Full of kindness style charm and elegance
Her gaze was in my direction
But was she really looking at me or somewhere else
Something beyond or around me
I reached her and she was gone
Just an illusion
Never to be seen again
Never to know what she yearned for and now would never have

James Tucci
At Prima Pasta and the Palm Bay Yacht Club
On Thursday night May 22, 2014
A night that was behind the bar
And the night was still and warm
And the palm fronds softly swayed in the breeze
And nary a ripple broke the placid glass on the Bay
