Pushkin and Tucci – Two Poems About a Woman

Pushkin and Tucci - Two Poems About a Woman

I Loved You

I loved you; and perhaps I love you still,
The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet
It burns so quietly within my soul,
No longer should you feel distressed by it.

Silently and hopelessly I loved you,
At times too jealous and at times too shy.
God grant you find another who will love you
As tenderly and truthfully as I.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

A woman with a smile

Her head rested on her hand
A scarf wove its way around her shoulders
She looked straight into the camera
And her smile
It was slight
And it was serene
But nonetheless it was a smile

What is she thinking
He wonders as he looks into her eyes
Is she dreaming
Is she thinking
Is she wondering
Or does she know
Know what it is she is looking for.
Or just waiting for it to happen.

Is she sure of herself
And of her destiny
Or is she apprehensive
About the things to come
Thinking of her future

Is she to be alone for the journey
Or with a mate
A mate who understands her soul her heart her feelings
Is that what she wants or does she yearn for something else
A life with just her thoughts to keep her company

Maybe she is not sure
Is it best to answer to herself alone
To be the captain of her own course
To think her own thoughts
And write her own poetry

But what is poetry if no one is there to read it
No one to share it with
To understand what she is saying
To care what she is writing
And thinking and doing

She has her thoughts
Many thoughts
Of love of happiness of a future
Of peace
Of serenity

And yet she wants someone to know all this
To know how she feels
To feel it along with her

The feelings of success of defeat
Of sorrow of joy
What are these feelings if there is no one to share them with
Are they without meaning
Without any footprints in the sand

She knows what she wants
And only time will tell if it all comes true
Or if she is left to ponder her thoughts for eternity

James Tucci, Miami, Florida, October 2012.
