Black and White in America Today WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Jan 16 Fri

Jan 16 Fri WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Why Black Men Fear the Police – Why White People Fear Black Men -Nerisa Waterman and Race Relations in America Today 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EST NY Miami – 10 AM San Francisco – 12 Noon Sioux City – 6 PM London – 7 PM Copenhagen – 8 PM Kiev – 9 PM Moscowblacks 9

Tonight-How Russian People are Prospering in America

Tonight-How Russian People are Prospering in America

How are the Russian families doing in Central Florida? Jobs, education, children, parents. Are people finding happiness and the American Dream in Florida? Jef Gray is the President of the Russian-American Community Center of Florida. He discusses the differences and similarities between Russia and America. Creating libraries, schools, cultural and holiday events, and passport and pension renewal services via the Russian embassy. Russian-Americans creating a new world and a new life for themselves. Thursday Aug 15 at 1, 4, 7, 10 PM NY time 9 PM and 12 Midnight Moscow time. All on http://WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM – English speaking Russian talk radio. Find Jef at and the Florida Russian Lifestyle Magazine
