Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico and an ode to the end of the day

Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico and an ode to the end of the day.

The sun sets each day,

And another day has gone by

Never to be recaptured.

The memories may linger for a while,

But the moment has been lost forever.

What can we say we did

As the sun sets each day?

Taking away any chance to have done better.

Photo by Melissa Tuthill Photography

and My Wonderland Photography All Rights Reserved 2013

Poem by James Tucci All Rights Reserved 2013

Mr. Ikeda and Nichiren Buddhism- SGI

Mr. Ikeda and Nichiren Buddhism- SGI.


Life is about scaling one mountain, then facing the next one, and the one after that. Those who persevere finally succeed in conquering the highest of mountains. On the other hand, those who avoid such challenges by taking the easy route will only descend into the valleys.

 Mr. Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo- Mr. Ikeda and Nichiren Buddhism- Sat. Aug 31 at 11 AM, 2 and 8 PM NY time Life, Success, Difficulties- SGI


The Love Remains

The Love Remains

What will tomorrow bring?

All the things that we hope for and desire

Or disappointment?

Regardless of the outcome

We shall survive

And we shall live

To face the next day

And the next sunrise

And when the sun sets in the west

We shall carry the day’s memories with us

For they can never take the memories from us

And those memories shall see us through

Till the next day

And the love that we have for those special ones around us

Shall remain in our hearts

The End of Summer- by James Tucci

The End of Summer- by James Tucci.

The End of Summer

The bay was rather still

It doesn’t blow most days till the afternoon

The leaves on the trees slightly moved

They would be turning orange and red in another few weeks.

The sand was still hot in the afternoon

And the skies were blue

White clouds floated around

These were the waning days of summer

He lived for the summertime

And soon it would be over

The first chill in the air was only a week or two away

Fall, winter and spring were on their way

Bringing the cold, the gray, the rain and the snow

The leaves on the trees would be on the lawns and in the gutter

The sands on the beach would be cold and damp

People would be wearing their coats and jackets

The sad part was

Another summer of his life was about to go away

Never to return

These days would turn to memories

No longer the glorious moments

In time and space that he so enjoyed

When the air was fresh and salty and filled with the scents of the grass and the flowers

All he was left with

Was to pine for the next summer

But in a short amount of time

It too would disappear

Never to return

And someday

Like the sunny summer

He would disappear

by James Tucci

Miami, Florida

James Tucci-The Flame Never dies

James Tucci-The Flame Never dies.


Where is the woman I long for

She has gone way

It seems strange

For this time of year

This is the place that she should be

I do not know whether to worry

Or even to care

I have not seen her

For many a day

I am sure she does not even think of me

Nor have any interest in where I am

She has no concern for my being

But I cannot expunge her from my mind

She lives inside me

So I sit here and wonder

Of whom she is with

And where she resides

And of course


My flame for her never dies

Anna Akhmatova writes as Mother Russia Fights to Survive the Nazi Hordes

Anna Akhmatova writes as Mother Russia Fights to Survive the Nazi Hordes.


One of James Tucci’s favorite poets is Anna Akhmatova . Here she writes about Mother Russia’s valiant effort to free herself in World War II from the Nazi hordes. This poem is a call to arms, valor and courage. Anna Akhmatova writes this brilliantly.

James Tucci is the co-host on, including the English Speaking Russian Talk Radio Show, “Springtime in Moscow.” He is always looking for interesting guests, including poets and those with a Russian connection. As James sits on his porch in Palm Beach, Fla., and watches the waves roll into the beach, he hopes that this poem stirs you soul as much as it does his,

Anna Akhmatova



We know what is now on History’s scales,
What is, in the world, going now.
The hour of courage shew our clock’s hands.
Our courage will not bend its brow.
None fears to die under the bullet’s siege,
None bitters to lose one’s home here, --
And we will preserve you, O great Russian speech,
O Russian great word, we all bear.
We’ll carry you out, clear and free, as a wave,
Give you to our heirs, and from slavery save.

Pushkin and The Burned Letter and Tucci-Never to be Read

Pushkin and The Burned Letter and Tucci-Never to be Read.


The Burned letter

Farewell, Letter of Love! farewell: it’s her desire.

How long did I delay! How long refused, in ire,

I to destroy the single joy of mine!…

Enough! The time has come. Burn, scripts of love divine.

I’m ready; nothing else can call for my sad soul…

Now the greedy flame is touching its form whole…

A minute!… it is flamed and blazing – smoke, light,

With my bitter laments, is flying of my sight.

And now the ring’s stamp forfeited its form previous –

It’s boiling – the seal wax… O, Providence of Heavens!

That’s all! The letter’s leaves are twisted, now black;

On their light ashes their well known track

Is whitening… My heart is squeezed. Oh, dear ashes,

In my sad destiny, my poor consolations,

Forever lie on breast, so fully, fully wracked…



Never to be Read

I wanted to tell you

How much I loved you

I wrote a birthday poem for you

From the heart and the soul

My thoughts and love were bared

Naked for you to behold

You would know how deep my feelings were

How much I cared for you

And loved you

When the day of your birth came

I could not send it

I could not let you know

How much I yearned for you

I could not let you see inside my secret being

My deepest thoughts

I just could not let you know

I could not bring myself to tell you

What you meant to me

Instead I kept it

Never to be seen

Never to be read

For you to never see my folly

And how foolish I’ve become

I wish that I could have let you know

How joyful I was

That on this day

You graced the earth

And made the world a better place

And let me know what the deep deep Russian love

That you once explained to me

Really is

My note wil lie buried

Never to be read nor seen

Of no value

Or purpose

Just a note of affection

That the intended will never receive

My little note

Will someday be destroyed

When my papers are discarded

And turned to ashes

Having never been read by you my beloved





Russia’s Eternal Glory- A beautiful Poem, the Wanderer by Dmitry Bazilenko

Russia’s Eternal Glory- A beautiful Poem, the Wanderer by Dmitry Bazilenko.

Dmitry Bazilenko
Heavy road wanderer.
Not a penny to his name.
And as if his feet bare,

on the cobblestones.
Blood oozing, knocked legs hurt.
Heart beating out of my chest.
Like a lonely bird,
from the depths to the heights breaks.
Broad Russian mother.
Throughout the temples and palaces.
But everywhere on the porch,
Poverty is missing.
Though Russia eternal glory
the breadth of his soul.
How to find a shelter.
If everywhere is not so.
As written in Scripture,
Is not that for us.
And everywhere now wanderers
and deceit in business.
From very early in the morning mayhem.
The first guests at the ball.
Those that remember you gentlemen,
Remember his Christ.
In the church I see often go.
Not only on you cross.
And with chains of gold,
Decoration of Satan.
After all, the camel is even easier
jump through the eye of a needle.
On the perfidy of your gold,
on tears and blood.
And that is where the wanderer
to find happiness.
After all, Russia eternal glory
the breadth of his soul.

We hope to have Dmitry as a guest soon on English Speaking Russian Talk Radio I-NETRADIO.COM

Pushkin and Tucci-Love and a Woman

Pushkin and Tucci-Love and a Woman.


I Loved You

 I loved you; and perhaps I love you still,

The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet

It burns so quietly within my soul,

No longer should you feel distressed by it.

Silently and hopelessly I loved you,

At times too jealous and at times too shy.

God grant you find another who will love you

As tenderly and truthfully as I.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

A woman with a smile

Her head rested on her hand

A scarf wove its way around her shoulders

She looked straight into the camera

And her smile

It was slight

And it was serene

But nonetheless it was a smile

What is she thinking

He wonders as he looks into her eyes

Is she dreaming

Is she thinking

Is she wondering

Or does she know

Know what it is she is looking for.

Or just waiting for it to happen.

Is she sure of herself

And of her destiny

Or is she apprehensive

About the things to come

Thinking of her future

Is she to be alone for the journey

Or with a mate

A mate who understands her soul her heart her feelings

Is that what she wants or does she yearn for something else

A life with just her thoughts to keep her company

Maybe she is not sure

Is it best to answer to herself alone

To be the captain of her own course

To think her own thoughts

And write her own poetry

But what is poetry if no one is there to read it

No one to share it with

To understand what she is saying

To care what she is writing

And thinking and doing

She has her thoughts

Many thoughts

Of love of happiness of a future

Of peace

Of serenity

And yet she wants someone to know all this

To know how she feels

To feel it along with her

The feelings of success of defeat

Of sorrow of joy

What are these feelings if there is no one to share them with

Are they without meaning

Without any footprints in the sand


She knows what she wants

And only time will tell if it all comes true

Or if she is left to ponder her thoughts for eternity

James Tucci, Miami, Florida, October 2012.



Pushkin and Tucci – Two Poems About a Woman

Pushkin and Tucci – Two Poems About a Woman.


I Loved You

I loved you; and perhaps I love you still,

The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet

It burns so quietly within my soul,

No longer should you feel distressed by it.

Silently and hopelessly I loved you,

At times too jealous and at times too shy.

God grant you find another who will love you

As tenderly and truthfully as I.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

A woman with a smile

Her head rested on her hand

A scarf wove its way around her shoulders

She looked straight into the camera

And her smile

It was slight

And it was serene

But nonetheless it was a smile

What is she thinking

He wonders as he looks into her eyes

Is she dreaming

Is she thinking

Is she wondering

Or does she know

Know what it is she is looking for.

Or just waiting for it to happen.

Is she sure of herself

And of her destiny

Or is she apprehensive

About the things to come

Thinking of her future

Is she to be alone for the journey

Or with a mate

A mate who understands her soul her heart her feelings

Is that what she wants or does she yearn for something else

A life with just her thoughts to keep her company

Maybe she is not sure

Is it best to answer to herself alone

To be the captain of her own course

To think her own thoughts

And write her own poetry

But what is poetry if no one is there to read it

No one to share it with

To understand what she is saying

To care what she is writing

And thinking and doing

She has her thoughts

Many thoughts

Of love of happiness of a future

Of peace

Of serenity

And yet she wants someone to know all this

To know how she feels

To feel it along with her

The feelings of success of defeat

Of sorrow of joy

What are these feelings if there is no one to share them with

Are they without meaning

Without any footprints in the sand


She knows what she wants

And only time will tell if it all comes true

Or if she is left to ponder her thoughts for eternity


James Tucci, Miami, Florida, October 2012.

James Tucci appears on WWW.I-NETRADIO

.COM, World Wide and English Speaking Russian talk radio.
