

The Sands of Life

We are all but little grains of sand on the beach of life.

James Tucci, September, 2013

Photograph by Matthew Tuthill

Labor Day Weekend 6 AM EDT

Riviera Beach, Florida

Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico and an ode to the end of the day

Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico and an ode to the end of the day.

The sun sets each day,

And another day has gone by

Never to be recaptured.

The memories may linger for a while,

But the moment has been lost forever.

What can we say we did

As the sun sets each day?

Taking away any chance to have done better.

Photo by Melissa Tuthill Photography

and My Wonderland Photography All Rights Reserved 2013

Poem by James Tucci All Rights Reserved 2013

Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico and an ode to the end of the day



The sun sets each day,
And another day has gone by
Never to be recaptured.
The memories may linger for a while,
But the moment has been lost forever.
What can we say we did
As the sun sets each day?
Taking away any chance to have done better.

Photo by Melissa Tuthill Photography and My Wonderland Photography All Rights Reserved 2013


Poem by James Tucci All Rights Reserved 2013

Southern Life in the Southern Pines

Southern Life in the Southern Pines

Once you get south of the Mason Dixon Line in America, the soil gets sandy in places and the pines grow wild, waiting to be turned into paper. It is a Southern tradition to go hunting in the pines, and partying. These young Southerners are following their heritage. Guess the state. This photo was taken by

Are we low enough to fit into this picture?

Are we low enough to fit into this picture?

Why are these 2 people crouching and looking into the camera? We will disclose the answer on Friday, September 20 on Send us a reply to this blog, and if you are correct, we will have you come on the show and tell us how you figured it out.



i wonder how in the world she got in there?
