Will Donald Trump be the Next President of the USA? WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Wed July 15

Wed July 15 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM #DONALD #TRUMP What Kind of a #Presidential Candidate Does He Make? Should He Be President of the #USA? What Would He Do as #President? 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT NY – 10 AM San Francisco Los Angeles – 12 Noon Sioux City Chicago – 6 PM London – 7 PM Berlin – 8 PM Kiev Moscow  donald 9


James Tuthill is the host of the internet talk radio station, WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM. We broadcast news, politics, world events, Russian, European and American news, romance, classical music, lifetime advice and every topic under the Sun. WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM is heard around the clock around the world 24 hours a day 7 days a week and reaches every part of the globe that has an internet connection.

One response to “Will Donald Trump be the Next President of the USA? WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Wed July 15

  1. The Reading Cottage: The Platform For Books, Feature Articles, Book Reviews, Interview, Culture, Lifestyle , Entertainment

    i’m not following American politics much, but I pray for a very good leader to serve that country, because I’m not happy over the racial problems.

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