John Sokoloff The Prince of the Piano

Mon July 7 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM presents John Sokoloff playing the Piano like no one else in a Melodic and Soulful rendition of pieces spanning the Blues and Classical to Russian folk. John talks about his unique style and we play over 50 minutes of fabulous Music. 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT NY – 10 AM Los Angeles – 12 Noon Dallas – 9 PM Moscow – 6 PM London – 7 PM Dusseldorf   

America Today: Should the Supreme Court limit Birth Control Access?

America Today: Should the Supreme Court limit Birth Control Access?

Wed July 2 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM “Inside AMERICA Today” with Tammy George and James Tuthill. Should the Supreme Court have limited Contraceptive Access? Is it good that Obama is protecting young Mexican children crossing the border illegally? Should Facebook manipulate users’ emotions and happiness levels? Should we bailout Bankrupt Pensions to Protect the Workers? 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT? – 10 AM PDT Los Angeles – 12 Noon Dallas- 9 PM Moscow – 4 Am (Thurs) VLAT Vladivostok

Russia is a Happy and Fun Place This summer

Russia is a Happy and Fun Place This summer

June 30 MON WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM What’s Happening in Russia that’s Good and Fun? Moscow Zoo has new Baby Monkeys; People are a lot Freer: Divers Uncover Russian Submarine; Greenpeace boat is given back: Russian Goalie gets blinded with Lasers against Algeria 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT – 9 PM Moscow – 4 AM (Tues) Vladivostok VLAT w/ Mikhail from Moscow

Russia Is Having Some Fun and Happy Times

Russia Is Having Some Fun and Happy Times

June 30 MON WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM What’s Happening in Russia that’s Good and Fun? Moscow Zoo has new Baby Monkeys; People are a lot Freer: Divers Uncover Russian Submarine; Greenpeace boat is given back: Russian Goalie gets blinded with Lasers against Algeria 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT – 9 PM Moscow – 4 AM Vladivostok VLAT w/ Mikhail from Moscow

Is the Illuminati Controlling the World?

Is the Illuminati Controlling the World?

June 26 Thurs. WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM The Story of the ILLUMINATI – the worlds’ most powerful and secret organization. Do they control world affairs? Are they creating a New World Order? How far does their political influence reach? With the Illuminati expert Robert Carobene 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT – 10 AM PDT LA – 6 PM London – 8 PM Kiev – 9 PM Moscow

America Coming to Terms with Same Sex Marriage and Gay People

America Coming to Terms with Same Sex Marriage and Gay People

Wed June 25 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Tammy George Goes Inside America Today: Gov. of Fla. Takes 5Th Amendment 75 Times; Guantanamo Prisoner Wants a Real Lawyer; Killing American Terrorists without a Trial; Methodists Reinstate Minister Who Performed Same Sex Marriage; Mississippi Republican Senator reaches out to Black Voters 1,4,7,10 PM EDT – 10 AM PDT LA – 12 Noon Dallas – 9 Pm Moscow

The Importance of Money in Our Lives

The Importance of Money in Our Lives

Tues June 24 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM The Meaning of Money: Happiness, Greed, Prosperity, Success. Working: In a job we like, Supporting ourselves adequately, Helping others and society. What does Buddhism Say? 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT – 10 AM PDT LA – 6 PM London – 9 PM Moscow

Jackson Pollock and Other Americans

Jackson Pollock and Other Americans

Fri June 20 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Richard Lawson Political Pundit from Texas: Was OJ Really Guilty? Should Art be accessible to everybody? Was Jackson Pollock a Genius? Is Obama really trying to take away our Guns? Should American Soldiers die for other countries? Reducing the power of the Vested Interests. 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT NY – 10 AM Los Angles – 12 Noon Dallas – 11 AM Phoenix – 9 PM Moscow – 6 PM London

Friendship the Wellspring of Life

Friendship the Wellspring of Life

Tues June 17 WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Is Friendship the Greatest Treasure of our Lives? Is it our Fulfillment? How do we make the Good Friends and Shed the Negative Ones? Nichiren Buddhism explores our search for Friendship with SGI members Bob, Rosemarie, and Anita at 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT NY – 10 AM Los Angeles – 9 PM Moscow – 6 PM London – 8 PM Kiev

Psychic Jaimie Arkelian and Why Certain People Are Attracted to Others

Psychic Jaimie Arkelian and Why Certain People Are Attracted to Others

May 23 Fri WWW.I-NETRADIO.COM Interpersonal Attraction. Why do we like, love, dislike, hate? Physical looks, familiarity, bone structure, life goals, ethnicity, appearance, look-alike, similar attitudes, voice, economic status, agreeableness and more. With Jaimie Arkelian, renowned psychic and energy master. 1, 4, 7, 10 PM EDT NY – 10 AM PDT Los Angeles – 12 Noon Dallas – 11 AM Phoenix
